Totoroland was created as part of a school project during my third year of engineering school. We had to use different AI algorithm to create "A new world". In this world, the player can see the environment changing, trees and flowers grow and die and some little totoro are moving on the map.
To do this, we used Unity and everything has been made from scratch.

For this project we used 5 algorithm for different par of the experience :
- The map is generated using a Diamond-square algorithm.
- Our 3D models inspired by "My Neighbor Totoro" from Miyazaki are moving following a boids alogithm.
- On the ground, the flower change following a game of life.
- The trees are governed by a genetic algorithm. As you can see on the images above, there are 4 biomes on our map. Each have different level of temperature and humidy and each of our tree has 4 parameters (color and type of trunc and foliage). Each of these parameter fit with a certain temperature and humidity so as the game progress, each biome is filling up with the type of tree that fit with it's environment.
- Our trees are made with a L-system made from scratch.
We were a group of 2 and i mainly worked on:
- The boids algorithm
- The diamond square algorithm
- The game of life
- The prototype of the genetic algorithm

You can find the github of the project here.
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