Medieval Warfare was created as part of a school project during my third year of engineering school. we had to re create the game to learn Unity.
To do this, we used the package Game Foundation and AI on Unity. Everything else has been made from scratch.
The game is a scoller/shooter 2D, the obstacle are randomly generated to have different game every time we play. We also developped 3 ennemies with differents behavior : one is just runing from the right to the left of the screen, the second one is flying with a sin pattern and the last one is following the player with a pathfinding algorithm. The player has a weapon in which he can add three runes that modify the characteristic of the weapons (attack speed, bullet size...) or the player (higher jump, run faster...).
To know if the player is in the menu, running a game or in the finnished screen, we implemented a state pattern.
We were a group of 6 and i mainly worked on:
-The deplacement of the hero, he can crouch, run, jump, fast fall.
-The implementation of the rune system.
-The behavior after being touched by an ennemy (invincibility for 2sec).
-The camera that push the player and crush him if he is stuck between the left of the screen and an obstacle.

You can find the source code here
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